LOW Sewer Fees

What is the purpose of the $10 LOW Vac Sewer Fee?

The Lake of the Woods sewer collection system has unique operations and maintenance requirements. Click here for more information. The LOW Vac Sewer Fee covers expenses related to upkeep of the vacuum sewer collection system as well as infrastructure improvements. RSA spends, on average, $350,000 per year upgrading or replacing vacuum sewer infrastructure in Lake of the Woods. The approved increase for 2025 from $7 to $10 is the first increase since implementation of the fee in 2009.


What is the purpose of the new $23.50 LOW Vac Sewer Upgrade fee?

This new fee is the result of a recently completed engineering study that identified the need for a comprehensive upgrade of the 13 vacuum sewer pump stations in Lake of the Woods. RSA has performed routine maintenance on these stations to maintain a high level of reliability; however, key components such as electrical equipment, pumps, and building systems are undersized and beyond their useful life. It is imperative that these pump stations are able to remain in service continuously in order to prevent failure of the vacuum sewer system. The last major overhaul was performed by RSA in the early 1990s. The improvements facilitated by the LOW Vac Sewer Upgrade fee will also provide RSA staff with improved monitoring and control capabilities at the pump stations and throughout the collection system. This will allow for proactive repairs and reduced overflows.